Get help

Domestic and family violence occurs when one person in a current or former relationship uses violence or abuse to gain power and control over another person. Domestic violence does not discriminate and can happy to anyone, but help is at hand.
National Helplines
1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 (24/7)
National Sexual Assault, Family and Domestic Violence Counselling Line
for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Lifeline 131 114 (24/7)
Has a national number who can help put you in contact with a crisis service in your State
Police or Ambulance 000 (24/7)
000 in an emergency
Translating and Interpreting Service Phone to gain access to an interpreter in your own language (free) 1800 131 450
Mensline Australia 1300 78 99 78
Supports men and boys who are dealing with family and relationship difficulties
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800
Telephone counselling for children and young people
Relationships Australia 1300 364 277 or (03) 9261 8700 (Victoria)
Support groups and counselling on relationships, and for abusive and abused partners
QLife 1800 184 527
Peer counselling for people from LGBT backgrounds including DV. 3pm-Midnight 7 days.
Additional national helplines
TIS National (Translating and Interpreting Service) 131 450 (24/7)
Translating and Interpreting Service to gain access to an interpreter in your own language
Kids Help Line 1800 551 800 (24/7)
Telephone counselling for children and young people
Relationships Australia 1300 364 277
Support groups and counselling on relationships, and for abusive and abused partners
ASCA (Adults Surviving Child Abuse) 1300 657 380
A service to adult survivors, their friends and family and the health care professionals who support them
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline 1800 880 052
An Australia-wide telephone hotline for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability
Another Closet
Online resource with information and referral details on LGBTIQ domestic and family violence.
Australian Capital Territory
Domestic Violence Crisis Service 02 6280 0900 (24/7)
A support service for all people affected by domestic/family violence. This includes people who are subjected to violence and abuse and people who use violence and abuse.
Rape Crisis Centre 02 6247 2525
A support service providing crisis lines, counselling and advocacy, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities support, & community education programs
EveryMan Australia 02 6230 6999
A support service for men who have issues with violence and abusive behaviour in their lives - as perpetrators, as victims, sometimes as both
Victim Support 1800 8222 72
A support service for victims or someone close to a victim of a crime.
New South Wales
Domestic Violence Line 1800 65 64 63 (24/7)
1800 671 442 TTY (Hearing impaired)
Telephone service that support and help women and men experiencing domestic or family violence
Rape Crisis Service 1800 424 017 (24/7)
Telephone support and counselling to anyone – women, men and young people – who has been sexually assaulted or abused
Interrelate Family Centres 1300 736 966
Support groups and counselling to strengthen the relationships in your life – with yourself, your family, your children and during transitions such as becoming a parent, grandparent, separation, divorce and forming a stepfamily
Men’s Referral Service 1300 766 491
Provides information, support and referral to services for men who are violent or abusive in the home and want to change their behaviour
Gender Centre 02 9569 2366
Services for people with gender issues, their partners, family members and friends
Northern Territory
Domestic Violence Crisis Line 1800 019 116 (24/7)
General and domestic violence crisis counselling and support
SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) 08 8922 6472
Counselling to both adults and children who may have experienced (recently or many years ago) any form of sexual assault
DVConnect Womensline 1800 811 811 (24/7)
Telephone service that support and help women experiencing domestic or family violence
DVConnect Mensline 1800 600 636
Confidential telephone counselling, referral and support service established just for men
Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline 1800 010 120
Telephone support and counselling to anyone – women, men and young people – who has been sexually assaulted or abused
A directory of QLD domestic violence support services
Pets in Crisis 1800 811 811
A foster care program to help facilitate safe refuge for animals at risk until they can be reunited with their families
South Australia
Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway Service 1800 800 098 (24/7)
Facilitating access for you and your children to a safe place and counselling services over the phone
Yarrow Place Sexual Assault Service 1800 817 421 (24/7)
Lead public health agency responding to rape and sexual assault in South Australia
Family Violence Counselling and Support Service 1800 608 122
Telephone service that offers specialised services to assist children, young people and adults affected by family violence
Family Violence Response & Referral 1800 633 937
Offers an information and referral service by which callers are able to access the full range of response, counselling, information and other support services
Sexual Assault Support Service 03 6231 1817
Provide support and information services to survivors of sexual assault in Southern Tasmania, their carers and support people, professionals, and the general public
Men’s Line Australia 1300 78 99 78
Supports men and boys who are dealing with family and relationship difficulties
Men’s Referral Service 1300 766 491
Provides information, support and referral to services for men who are violent or abusive in the home and want to change their behaviour
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre 1800 015 188 (24/7)
Provides information, support and access to safe accommodation/refuge for women and their children
Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1800 806 292
5am-9am daily except Saturdays
Statewide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for victim/survivors of both past and recent sexual assault
Men’s Referral Service 1300 766 491
Provides information, support and referral to services for men who are violent or abusive in the home and want to change their behaviour
Western Australia
Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339 (24/7)
Provides support and counselling for women experiencing family and domestic violence including phone counselling, information and advice, referral to local advocacy and support services
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 000 599 (24/7)
Provides counselling for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours including telephone counselling, face to face services, legal advice, accommodation and other support services
Crisis Care 1800 199 008 (24/7)
Telephone information and counselling service for people in crisis needing urgent help
Sexual Assault Res. Centre 1800 199 888 (24/7)
Provides services to people, male or female, aged 13 years and over who have been sexually assaulted or sexually abused